The Wex hosts Cadillac's premier men's hockey league, the CHL. With in the CHL we offer two divisions,  under 40 and over 40 leagues. Under 40 players are just that, under the age of 40 plus some of the more talented and experienced players that are over the age of 40.  Over 40 players are just that, over the age of 40 plus some of the less experienced players that might not be 40 yet. So naturally the under 40 league is faster more competitive and the over 40 is a little slower and more laid back. Each league's regular season consists of 20 games for $350 per player while only the under 40 players get to compete in the Stanley Keg playoffs. If a player would like to play in both leagues the cost is reduced to a total of $550. Seasons start at mid October and run through mid March. To register for the CHL please fill out the form below or download the CHL registration form and return it to the Wex. We also have Adult Learn to Play starting soon! We will have more details on that soon. 

Check the +40 or -40 pages for schedules, team rosters, and standings.

Men's League Registration Form

All fields are required.
PLEASE CHECK THE BOX TO AGREE: Waiver & Permission to use photographs & video for promotional purposes: In consideration for the above-named skater’s participation in this program, skater and the undersigned agree to release Wexford County, Wexford County Civic Center, Boon Sports Management, and its employees and agents from all claims, damages and actions of the above-named skater or their parent/guardian. I understand and assume all risks for any bodily that may occur as a result of the inherent risk of skating. These risks may be caused by the negligence of the participant skater or the negligence of the other participants. I understand that any participant who causes damage or intentional injury will be suspended from the program without refund. I authorize Boon Sports Management to use all photos or videos taken of me/my child during any/all programs for advertising or promotional material. I have read and understand these terms and conditions and I agree to them.
Type in the code you see below.